kaplicky sofa
kaplicky sofa
Architecture - The opportunity to auction one license made a unique piece of white sofa designed by the architect Jan Kaplický is open to all who have the 7th June from 14:00 pm attend the auction of this sofa in the National House in Vinohrady Namesti Miru 9, Prague 2

It started with the company's ambitious development project headed by Resort Living with Martina Hollasovou "Konopiště Resort", for which individual buildings proposed leading Czech and Slovak architects, including Lucy Kavan. But the company Resort Living for its architectural designs still owes the court granted final reward, and just pay for the auction was ordered Kaplicky a sofa.
The project "Konopiste Resort" also worked for renowned architect Jan Kaplicky. In response to such a company later acquired Resort Living from Mrs. Elizabeth Fuchs Kaplická license to manufacture and sale of unique sofas, the original of Jan Kaplicky has designed and had made for his London flat. This license has yet produced a single piece sofa, namely white.
"Auctioned sofa is not only useful but also a significant collectible value," says Dr. Daniel Malis, attorneys architect Kavan. "As a result of failure to comply with financial obligations because of Mrs. Kaplická Resort Living license to manufacture more finished pieces Kaplicky a sofa, so no other sofa under this License will not have made. "
Starting price is 396,000 Kaplicky a sofa, - CZK, one third of the estimated price of € 1,188,000, - CZK. Auctioned sofa tour begins one hour before the auction and negotiation, his images are the combination of "Kaplicky a sofa" available on the Internet. Auction security is required.

kaplicky sofa
kaplicky sofa

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