- Architecture. The new modern restaurant design architecture idea of Merotoro Restaurant by Studio MMX is an innovative design plan that insert into an existing building, with a new modern restaurant lobby and patio area. Can be found at South america Town, South america , The architects designer were attracted to using reclaimed sleepers as a material because ‘Each piece, articulated in a different context, has a history of its own. This is very relaxed dining place with unique restaurant furniture.

Contemporary Design Merotoro Restaurant
Contemporary Design Merotoro Restaurant

Architecture Plan Merotoro Restaurant
Architecture Plan Merotoro Restaurant

The practice used gotten back wooden train track sleepers to build up an interior wall decorating for the eatery. Their differently-angled areas make a stroking design to the wall structure. Facilities MMX lately accomplished the repair and refit of new eating place and known as “Merotoro”.

Luxury Interior Merotoro Restaurant
Luxury Interior Merotoro Restaurant

Red Color Exterior Merotoro Restaurant
Red Color Exterior Merotoro Restaurant

Unique Furniture Merotoro Restaurant
Unique Furniture Merotoro Restaurant

Wooden Train Track Merotoro Restaurant
Wooden Train Track Merotoro Restaurant

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