Arabic interior design innovation
Arabic interior design innovation

luxury arabic restaurant design
luxury arabic restaurant design - Architecture. Most excellent and futuristic restaurant interior design located in Dubai, UAE by Karim Rashid called Arabic Switch Restaurant with ultra modern and luxury design. This is new innovation idea for modern and minimalist interior design for a restaurant.
Why it is called “Switch”? Because the interior of restaurant wall paint color may be change automatically and continuously, from time to time it colorized in violet, yellow, green even blue. The designer want switch to be a physically powerful, regular vision collected of a permanent, rolling wall that wraps approximately the room. The restaurant interior design makes an attractive texture for light and shadow, suggesting the sand dunes in the desert. It is an exclusive environment of regularity and steadiness that totally encloses the guests. Each experience is calm of smells, views, tastes and sounds; here, the mind makes personality backgrounds for a really astounding worldwide dining experience. The back lit ceiling artwork consists of stylized inspiring Arabic expressions. The incessant wave seating offers a special efficient and lively working scheme. Here is the best photos of restaurant interior design from Ultra Modern Switch Restaurant Arabic Interior Design.
modern arabic restaurant interior design
modern arabic restaurant interior design


switch restaurant ultra modern design
switch restaurant ultra modern design

ultra modern arabic interior design
ultra modern arabic interior design

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