- Home Decorating. The high-class Ponds Property is about 3,500 sq ft home which filled a relatively small lot architectures concept of concerning 65? x 125?. This is a modern home with 4 car garage designed by Architecton that objective for a single family of four associates. The contemporary home has two levels with a impact of about 25? x 55?. When motivates environment northern of the main home existing room area and large the southeast part of open moving wine glass surfaces to the property internal design and true relaxation exterior with relaxed patio furniture and enjoy the built in evaporative cool of the river and share.

big yard house architecture design
big yard house architecture design

There is also an over load up that emerged from the world and comes to an end as an oblique light light fixture which is lights up the great corridor home and entry design. This package is opaque in the eastern and western and gives a ceiling overhang level in the southern region. Its form is very simple and minimal, but that has all parts of society that are necessary and four modern car garage design.

dining room living room interior open plan design
dining room living room interior open plan design

  A part of the property is protected with the CPU, while others are protected with different components such as bamboo sprouts bedding and clear. So what do you think about this perfect home existing idea? If it is on the market, do you want to buy?

lake residence outdoor pool design
lake residence outdoor pool design

two levels house small lot big yard
two levels house small lot big yard

unique house with big yard ideas
unique house with big yard ideas

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