Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas

Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas - Bathroom Design. This Tamina thermal bath design is very minimalist and looks modern. But in the interior decorating is very luxury with comfortable atmosphere. Beautiful architecture building that can be our inspiration. We presented that interior and exterior pictures gallery from Tamina Thermal Bath just for the reader of We think that you can interest in a few days spent at this bathing place located in the Grand Resort in Bad Ragaz, Switzerland.
This explicitly conceived as a part of the grand hotel culture designed by Smolenicky & Partner. The cultural and aesthetic structure characteristic of the project design seeks an affinity to both Swiss tradition and the grand hotels of the Baltic coast. This plan of using explicit resort structural design is underscored in the construction’s officially fanciful oval windows. Seen from the inside, the windows have the effect of over-dimensional image frames. The predominant landscaped design, park like mood remains intact despite the compact manner of structure. Thus the luxury resort remains characterized by its park. The main entrance to the thermal baths, the spa spring hall, is situate on the visual axis of the cul-de-sac in order, from the main road, to mark its presence in the depth of the site as a public facility. For more information about this building project plan design visit the architecture designer website. -via-
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas

Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas

Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas

Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas
Minimalists Tamina Thermal Baths Luxury Interior Design Decorating Ideas

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