modern bathroom interior of galician house
modern bathroom interior of galician house

traditional galician house kitchen area interior
traditional galician house kitchen area interior - Interior Design. A traditional Galician house with a touch of modern design in the interior. It’s what architect Marcos Samaniego has added to this house architecture. New element is added like enamel wood and the traditional Galician material, stone, to maintain the house warmth to its residents.
natural stone clad exterior facade of a galician house
natural stone clad exterior facade of a galician house

front porch galician house design
front porch galician house design

 The house’s bioclimatic plan focused to a simple lines design that incorporates large windows in the walls to allow air and nature comes into the interior space. The carpentries, which are introduced into de Stone walls, make stronger the structure.

galician house transparent glass windows upper level
galician house transparent glass windows upper level

interior living room area with interior stairs photo
interior living room area with interior stairs photo

 The interior are emphasized by brightness and warm colors. In addition, the sun light gets over all the spaces from a skylight in the main floor. In the kitchen, you can observe smooth surfaces and design furniture.
Details are very important in this house. The main stair, covered by oak wood, receives the light from the large window and it is decomposed creating a hand-made library. To sum up, this house means a small transformation on the Galician traditional architecture, an avant-garde wink in a traditional house.

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  1. تمتاز الكلادينج بالعزل الحرارى والحماية من الحريق ، فهى تعمل على العزل الحرار ما بين الوجهات والمبانى ، والحماية من اشعة الشمس ، والحماية من الحريق ومنع انتشار الحريق شركة سيستم بنل هي افضل شركة كلادينج فتمنع اوراق الفويل التى تكسي الكلادينج من الجهتين على عدم الاشتعال تعمل خفت وزن الكلادينج على سهولة التشكيل فى الاعمال المختلفة ، كمثل اشكال ثلاثية الابعاد ، وعدم التحميل على المبانى ويفضل الكلادينج عن المواد الاخر للتركيب فى الوجهات واليفط الاعلانية عى وجهات المحال التجارية ولفتات الاعلانات.
