colorful folding kids playhouse idea
colorful folding kids playhouse idea

folding playhouse for small apartment
folding playhouse for small apartment - Furniture.  I think this is very creative and quite interesting! This unique cardboard folding playhouse design idea intended for your kids. This called My Space designed by Liya Mairson purpose for children aged 4 -7, so it’s have playful and modern design concept. The designer is a graduate of Israel’s Shenkar College for Engineering and Design.
My Space has been developed particularly for minimalist urban apartment with small room because in closed state it is extraordinarily compact. Even though it might be opened to become an amazing play area through multiply possibilities. These children playhouse’s look and shape depends only on kid’s imagination. The cool thing is that they could open and close it by themselves. The innovative folding playhouse is completely recyclable. You can visit Liya Marison design portfolio here.

innovative cardboard folding playhouse
innovative cardboard folding playhouse

open close folding playhouse design
open close folding playhouse design

recyclable folding kids playhouse
recyclable folding kids playhouse

unique cardboard folding playhouse simple design
unique cardboard folding playhouse simple design

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