Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park
Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park

About us

“We believe, that we can find the answer to architecture in everyday life”

We are a progressive studio focused on solving a wide range of projects in architecture and urbanism, performance in all phases of the project, from studies across all levels of project documentation up to the realization. We believe in the power of architecture and its ability through which we can find a better spatial relationships between its users and their needs, whether a small apartment or a new residential area.

apartment river park

Location: Bratislava
Author: Štefan Šulek
Realization: 2011

The basic principle in the design layout was the location of features such as cooking, rest and hygiene into separate blocks. The entire interior should act relaxed and trail off, simply. When selecting surfaces taking into account the functionality and uniformity. The floor in the hallway, living room and kitchen is wooden, the parents' bedroom and nursery is wall to wall carpet and bathrooms large format tiles. Wall surfaces are chosen without significant structure, in places with higher humidity is a special cement plaster / pandomo /. In corridor is due to increased mechanical strength selected vinyl wallpaper without significant ornaments. Surfaces in the bathrooms are clean and purist and are in contrast with solid wood furniture. Expressive unity of the overall function is based on sober choice of materials. Our goal was a simple choice of surfaces without the use of traditional ornaments.

Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park
Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park

Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park
Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park

Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park
Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park

Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park
Šulek Studio : Apartment River Park

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