Eureka Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Clean everything !
Eureka Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Clean everything ! - Furniture. Handheld vacuum cleaners have a name of being convenient however not that powerful. The Eureka 71B fast Up EZ Kleen Handheld Vacuum Cleaner isn't solely simple to use and store, however has the strength for deep cleaning. With this vacuum cleaner, cleaning automotive upholstery, sofas and carpeted stairs simply became lots easier.

Eureka Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Clean everything !
Eureka Handheld Vacuum Cleaner, Clean everything !

The 20 foot wire of the Eureka 71B vacuum cleaner wraps for storage and offers you an extended cleaning radius. The deluxe hose will stretch up to a few times its length. you'll clean tight places by using the crvice tool on the top of the hose. there's one motor to power the suction and one to power the revolving brush in order that ensured an intensive clean anytime.

With 5.5 amps of cleaning power, and bagless technology, the Eureka 71B quick Up EZ Kleen Handheld Vacuum Cleaner could also be the tiniest, nevertheless most powerful handheld vacuum cleaner you have ever used!

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