comfort toilet lumen avant boca
comfort toilet lumen avant boca - Bathroom Design. Roca is making wonders in the business for 90 years now. This is a sign that whatever it introduces and releases brings good quality and benefit. Lumen Avant is intended to enhance your bathroom looks and experience. It comes in color black that is neat and flawless.

The toilet seat that promotes harmony and cleanliness comes in a modern design. The company’s intention is to bring design, and the comfort of modern technology in one piece of furniture. All of these are achieved with the release of the Lumen Avant toilet seat.
It’s not only a stylistic toilet seat, but it’s called a wellness seat that brings hygiene to the maximum level. It works as a toilet seat and bidet at the same time.
You will never see a toilet seat that comes with loads of features and benefit. This toilet seat from Roca will also serve as a washing  and drying area. It has a heated-seat, a soft close lid, not to mention that it’s self-cleaning. It also flushes automatically letting you save energy in return.
Aside from its beautiful features, the Lumen Avant also includes a screen control panel that is made of LED. This feature will allows you to control and manage the temperature of your bathroom, and other toilet functions.
These irresistible and amazing features are only a handful if you will think of what this toilet seat from Roca brings. This toilet seat is gaining recognition in the market, and it will be great to get yours to see what I am talking about.

toilet lumen avant boca pictures
toilet lumen avant boca pictures

new toilet design by roca
new toilet design by roca

high tech toilet design idea
high tech toilet design idea

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