Contemporary Coast Apartment Pool
Contemporary Coast Apartment Pool

Coast Apartment Architecture Design
Coast Apartment Architecture Design - Architecture. Elsye Alam is an award-winning interdisciplinary multiplatform designer based in Los Angeles. Her latest creation in home architecture was her own house in Jakarta. Alam’s residence hosts two generations and three households in a single three-storey building. The frontage of the house is in a way antithetical to the surrounding, in which houses are mostly covered with massive fences and guard booths
Coast Apartment Living Space Interior
Coast Apartment Living Space Interior

Coast Apartment Modern Furniture Design
Coast Apartment Modern Furniture Design
 The roofscape geometry is driven by maximizing roof accessibility that connects the two-storey to three-storey portion of the house which ends on a spectacular view to the east of the site, a marina that is more than just a pier with its recreational, scenic and historical value. The roof deck works as an alternative outdoor space for play and interaction or simply a place to enjoy the sunrise, while the extensive green roofs help serving the enhancement of urban ecosystems.

Coast Apartment Beach Views
Coast Apartment Beach Views
Coast Apartment Outdoor Dining Space
Coast Apartment Outdoor Dining Space
Luxury Coast Apartment Decor
Luxury Coast Apartment Decor

Minimalist Coast Apartment Interior
Minimalist Coast Apartment Interior

An ‘E’ shape plan effectively organizes the internal masses of the house creating two inner voids that brings light and air deep into the house through both plan and section. Extensive vertical glazing around the inner courtyards and generous use of skylights negate the need for artificial lighting in the spaces including service area and closet spaces during the day, yet creates constantly changing light conditions that activate the interior.
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