modern snow house architecture design

modern exterior snow house design

contemporary snow house interior design
 As you know, the ideas of sustainability are more and more becoming a most important issue in house architecture design, in a situation of global warming but also exponential energy management. Sadly, it is ordinary to find that the solutions are more in the purpose of techniques onto traditional classic architectural plan otherwise in rising innovative but formatted typologies, unrelated to the context and its inherent drawbacks and chances.
For this contemporary comfortable home architecture design, we especially liked to reply to these two issues that are making a fresh creative architectural typology ensuing both from a technical functioning and the characteristics of the site and program. Working with the range of aerated concrete blocks, we developed a simple plan to use in the best way this material various properties. The supporting structure of the modern home is created out of 15 cm concrete blocks, lined through a vapor barrier and 10 cm panels, with a black color waterproof roughcast coating to optimize solar gain and limit the accumulation of snow on the roof. The house roof design structure consists of wooden beams, improving inside acoustic comfort.

comfortable snow house interior decorating

minimalist snow house design ideas

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